Awesomeness Deluxe

Unconditional Love

“I believe that my life’s gonna see, the love I give return to me.” – John Mayer

It is written.  Those are the last words written on the screen before the ending credits of Slumdog Millionaire.

“This is our destiny.”  Those are the last words said at the end of the movie.

The story is beautifully woven around a young boy who transcends his painful past growing up in the slums of India to become a contestant and winner on the Indian-version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. All in the name of love. Synopsis has been yanked from The City Bee.   I had no idea it was a love story.  I thought the movie was going to be a comedy, but it was a really gripping love story, set in India and through a game show.  I saw this movie over the weekend, I sometimes wonder if the universe is giving me these things exactly at times when I need them the most.

This only happens in movies, right?  Love at first sight, star crossed lovers, that sort of thing.  I wonder if back in the real world, you really do come across that one special someone that you know is absolutely your soulmate.  I wonder that if you two do meet, how would you know?  I wonder if that time comes, are you both really willing to jump and take a leap of faith like they do so beautifully in the movies and in the romeo and juliet type stories of the world.  It seems so wonderful in the tales, but reality is never the same.  I do, however, believe in unconditional love.  At its deepest core, it means loving yourself fully and completely.  And no, not that type of self love.  But the type where you truly appreciate yourself as a human and as a unique individual, and understanding that you are exactly as God created you and that you are one with the universe and everything around you.  With this type of love, you find beauty in everything.  Unbelievable compassion will come from you.  Jesus was like this, Buddha was like this, Mother Teresa was like this, and believe it or not, we can all be like this too.

When your lover breaks your heart, love them anyway.  When your family treats you poorly, love them anyway.  When your friends neglect you, love them anyway.  When you are treated disrespectfully by someone, love them anyway.  Unconditionally.

I’ve come to believe that when you truly love yourself, you offer nothing but awesomeness to the world and the universe, and in turn, you will be given nothing but awesomeness back.  I believe in miracles.

Not all stories have happy endings.  But the journey, those happy moments shared together, that’s where the real happiness lies.  I wonder… if it really is already written.

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