Tag Archives: appreciation

Impactful Goodbyes and Hellos. How you touch and are touched

Last night, I hung out with a former classmate who is moving to Seattle. The week before, I saw him at another goodbye party for another friend who is also leaving. It was the 5th or 6th goodbye this month. The past two years have been amazing. I’ve met some incredible people, and many are scattering all over the globe. Some are as far as places like Brazil, Japan, India, Singapore, and China. For many, I’ll probably never see them again in my life. For the rest, it would be an absolute pleasure to run into them 1 or 2 more times in my lifetime, if I’m lucky. Regardless, some of them I’ll never forget.

In the ongoing story that is being written called life, you’re going to run into people who will have a profound impact on yours, and you on theirs. Even if its just a flash, don’t forget them, because just like that they’ll be gone. I’ll never forget my best childhood friend. In that moment, he was my bestest bud. We ended on bad terms in his eyes, but I’ll never forget him for what he meant to me growing up.  I’ll never forget my first kiss, or the first time I got beat up, but I’ve long since forgotten my fourth kiss and the 26th time I got beat up. The people of impact are usually around in times when you were experiencing something for the first time, hence why you’ll probably have such fond memories of people you’ll encounter while travelling.

I’ll never forget the first time I was ready to call it quits in school because I felt I didn’t have the ability to continue, and my college buddy made me stay. We’ve lost touch, and I’ve never told him that he positively changed the direction of my life for good. I’ll never forget my first love for believing in me when nobody else did. Nobody, including myself. We didn’t work out, but what I learned from her has had profound impacts on who I am, where I am going, and a belief that maybe, just maybe, I can reach my true potential. That type of impact can never be repaid.

I was at a good friend’s wedding earlier this month. He surprised me when during his speech he mentioned that there was one person in particular he would like to thank above everybody else because if it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t have met his wife. Then he said my name. It was very touching. It touches me still. I don’t think I’ve ever been publicly thanked by anybody before. Earlier this week, I got a text message at 2:30 am from another good friend telling me that he just proposed to his girlfriend and she said yes. They both credit me for introducing them. For me, it was a simple introduction. But for them, it was life changing. Touching. And I’ll never forget it. For those that aren’t in your life any more, consider yourself lucky if you were able to show your appreciation. For those that are around still, it’s never too late.

It’s a Wonderful Life

I was talking to my manager about good Christmas movies yesterday, and he said he watches “It’s a Wonderful Life” every year and it never fails to make him cry.  So, I said to him that I would keep my eyes out for it and give it a whirl.  Sure enough, I caught it on TV (thank you universe) and sure enough, it made me cry.  Its old school acting at its finest; really cheesy and overacted like all the great ones, but with an open mind and an appreciation for art it really is a classic.  I think I’ll pick it up and watch it every year as well, just as a great reminder about how wonderful life really is.

A short synopsis of the movie is that its about a good man who tries his best to do good deeds for himself and for the people of the town he lives in.  However, its not so easy, especially in the tough economic times they are facing (Its actually eerily similar to present times).  But nonetheless, he tries and tries and turns down money, power, and greed for the greater good.  Again, its HARD, as it is in real life.  He struggles and sometimes gets really sad, frustrated, and depressed as he continues to be down on his luck.  It takes an angel to show him the way and really appreciate what he has; His loving family and supportive friends.  I would definitely recommend you watch it.

I wonder if you realize how wonderful your life is.  Do you have a loving family and supportive friends?  I know I do.  Sometimes it may not seem like it, sometimes life can get you really down, but don’t forget about what you do have and focus on that.  Don’t forget the things that make your heart beat.  Do you have an angel watching over you?  I most definitely do.

Merry Christmas y’all.  Don’t be bitter, don’t be sad, let all of the negative gunk go, and I mean ALL of it (complete and utter honesty with yourself is a must).  It’s a Wonderful Life.  Enjoy it!
Its a Wonderful Life