The Y Athletics SilverAir Sock on Kickstarter
The Y Athletics SilverAir sock is the third project I backed on Kickstarter. This was another great project I backed. The next two projects I backed I still haven’t gotten the products yet, and likely never will. Here’s the Y Athletics SilverAir sock Kickstarter video.
What is the SilverAir sock?
The SilverAir sock claims to be an athletic sock that’s breathable, durable, comfortable, anti-bacterial and anti-odour. What a mouthful. It’s made by Y Athletics, an online retailer of travel and sports gear. Does the SilverAir sock live up to the hype? Let’s find out.

Y Athletics Ready to Deliver… on Customer Service
When the SilverAir sock was ready to deliver the goods I was about to go on a trip to Asia and really wanted my stuff in time, but the timeline was squeaky bumb tight. I reached out to the Y Athletics team to see if they could help and they tried to rush send me the stuff. It didn’t make it in time. I ended up getting them on my return from Asia. A shame, really, because going to the hot and humid parts of Asia I was at would have really put the SilverAir sock claims to the test.
Then a few months later I got another package of the exact same contents. They sent me two packages of the same thing. That means instead of getting 3 pairs of SilverAir socks, 3 SilverAir T-shirts, a travel bag and a gym bag, I got double that amount. I asked Y Athletics if this was a mistake and if they were aware they sent me two of the same package and they said no they weren’t. But they also told me to keep the second package because it was their mistake. Talk about awesome! While most crowdfunding campaigns I’ve backed have really crappy customer support, the team at Y Athletics is not one of them.
Y Athletics Crowdfunding Success
I’ve backed 3 of their projects (the SilverAir sock, the SilverAir crew sock, and the SilverAir merino underwear), and I think they have launched 5 or 6 at this point. This seems to be a model that has brought them great success as every single one of their Kickstarter campaigns have smashed their funding goal and collectively generated over $1 million bucks.
The second campaign I backed, the SilverAir crew sock, isn’t something I likely would have backed had they not been so cool about letting me keep the second package they sent me by accident. The other reason is they make awesome gear. I’m really impressed with everything that I’ve purchased from them. That includes the SilverAir sock, the SilverAir crew sock, the Y Athletics T-shirt, and the Y Athletics travel underwear. I’ll stick to talking about the socks and T-shirt in this review and leave the travel underwear for another day (hint: they are amazeballs).
First, let’s talk quality. There were some hiccups here. The crew sock, for example, had a hole in one of the socks after I wore it once. They quickly sent me a replacement, though. Again, awesome customer service. Next, one of the T-shirts looks like it snared on something the very first time I wore it, even though as far as I could tell I didn’t do anything outlandish or eventful that day.

The fix was simple. I used a nail clipper and clipped away the loose thread, as per the instructions from Y Athletics. For the crew sock, they also sent me two left versions.

But they were able to replace this for me, as well. The lesson here is never underestimate the power of good customer support. It’s the difference between a dissatisfied customer and a customer advocate who recommends your product.
After many washes, I have also noticed there is some pilling in the stomach area of the T-shirts. I’m not sure why that area specifically starts to pill, but it is slightly noticeable on all the shirts. Maybe it’s the way I sit and how my gut folds onto them, I’m not sure.
The socks also have their silver threads start to show and appear to fray after a couple of washes. I don’t think it’s that noticeable or that big of a deal, but I can see how that may put some people off from the product. But if you are willing to look past that you are in for a treat.
Do the SilverAir socks work?
The big question of whether the SilverAir socks actually work remains. And for me, the answer is absolutely yes. To be sure, I wore the socks and T-shirts daily for weeks to put their anti-odour claims to the test (the things I do for science). By the end of it, the socks were as odourless as when I first put them on. That isn’t to say they were fresh smelling. The absence of odour doesn’t mean fabric softener fresh. It simply means the SilverAir socks and T-shirts, after weeks of wear (including through workouts) and without washes, didn’t smell funky. At all. That in itself is pretty remarkable and mind blowing.
I am so happy with the SilverAir socks and T-shirts that they are a staple in my travel repertoire. They are the first things I pack when I travel. It also doesn’t hurt that they look pretty stylish and fashionable rather than look like sports or travel wear, making them versatile items in any wardrobe.
I’m a big fan of the SilverAir socks and T-shirts. I give them two thumbs up. If you are interested in purchasing them then check them out on their website at